SEO Mastery Summit Weekly Roundup – 6 Aug 2021

We are getting excited about our next summit that's just around the corner, where we'll be hosting some of the best in the business once again. This week, we're looking back at our incredible alumni, Carolyn Holzman, Luca Tagliaferro, and Clarissa Filius, and checking up on what they're up to lately.

Tool of the Week – LinkWhisper

Spencer Haws recently spoke to us about his exciting WordPress plugin tool called Link Whisper. Spencer is a seasoned SEO with tons of link-building experience, making him the perfect guy to create a tool that helps people improve their website's internal link building.

We think you might agree that a tool that does all this and more is worth checking out! Watch the full chat Mads Singers had with Spencer for all the exciting features and more information.

Make sure to use this link to avail your discount!

Carolyn Holzman makes more SEO confessions – this time on SEO project principles

Carolyn Holzman is synonymous with SEO. She's the president of American Way Media, a marketing agency focused on putting her clients' marketing messages in front of their perfect target audience.

Not only is she an innovator in her field, but she also shares her SEO wisdom with the rest of us on her podcast, Confessions of an SEO. Carolyn shares her tips, tricks, experiments, client experiences, and more on her podcast – you are pretty much guaranteed to find value from listening to her.

This week her podcast is on SEO projects, where she shares what she's been doing lately on the SEO front, what worked, what didn't, and all the intricate processes in between.

You don't want to miss this one – out this Friday.

Luca Tagliaferro reminds us of the basics on getting a higher CTR

Luca Tagliaferro is a highly experienced digital marketing consultant focused on SEO and CRO for fast-growing SaaS and B2C companies in the UK. He's the SEO manager at Dare and is often published in renowned publications such as SEMRush, SearchEngineLand, CrazyEgg, and more.

Luca also owns his own blog, where he often shares his expertise on many aspects of digital marketing. In these blog posts, he keeps it simple and straight to the point, often reminding experts of the basics and teaching new SEO all the tricks in the book.

His latest post gives us 10 proven ways to increase your organic CTR's. Give it a read, you may even learn something new. And if you don't, you will now know where to send your next intern when they have questions.

Clarissa Filius talks local SEO with Let's Talk Local

Clarissa Filius is the senior SEO Strategist at Booming, a Dutch digital marketing agency that helps local and international businesses get found and listened to through SEO. She also has a strong focus on local SEO and has made massive strides for the industry in the Netherlands.

Her expertise is well-recognized, as she's recently been named a speaker at Brighton SEO in September, and invited to do a podcast episode with Let's Talk Local by PinMeTo.

They discuss: The best “Bang for the buck” tips to optimize your Local SEO, and include topics such as:
???? The importance of local link building and citations
???? What to focus on when practicing Local SEO in 2021
???? The best value for money tips to optimize your visibility and ranking

Don't miss a chance to learn from these amazing experts!

Do you want to be featured on the SEO Mastery Summit weekly roundup?

We love having you here, so if you'd like to see more of us or want to participate by either writing a guest post or sharing a tool demo, here's what you need to do:

  1. If you are interested in writing a post for the SEO Mastery Summit Blog, please sign up here.
  2. Finally, if you have an SEO tool that people need to know about, sign up for a tool demo here.

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