SEO Mastery Summit Weekly Roundup – 2 July 2021

We're back with the best in SEO news this week. We take a look at what Chima Mmeje, Lukas Zelezny, and
Bibi Raven is up to lately.

Chima Mmeje – Sharing topic clusters and fart jokes at Brighton SEO

By now, Chima Mmeje is an acclaimed name in SEO. She's a copywriter and content strategist for Zenith Copy featured in many publications – such as Search Engine Watch, Hackernoon, Jeff Bullas, and more.

Chima's also the queen of topic clusters.

She shares her knowledge on the topic far and wide – through Twitter, LinkedIn, and even in an exciting course for copywriters. That's why it's no surprise that she will be sharing more of her topic cluster knowledge at Brighton SEO in September 2021.

The Brighton SEO of autumn 2021 is an in-person or online event with an exciting line-up; you won't want to miss it.

Lukasz Zelezny can now help you set up your SEMrush account

With more than 15 years of experience in the industry, Lukasz Zelezny is probably the only person you will ever need to help you set up anything related to SEO.

He's the co-founder and director of SEO.London, where he works on projects as an SEO expert and consultant. Lukasz also has a top 10 UK social media influencer ranking, is a UK Search Awards judge, and a former director of organic performance at ZPG.

That's why we think it's crucial for you to know that Lukasz recently announced, for a limited time only, he can help you set up your SEMrush account (first-time users only, though).

This is an opportunity not to be missed. You can fill out the application form for some incredible expert guidance.

Bibi Raven shares her take on SEO trends in 2021

Bibi Raven is also known as Bibi the Link Builder at, where she helps you get relevant, high-quality links for your business. She's a known link-building expert that's worked with many household names and is often featured in renowned publications.

Her latest feature is on Rank Ranger‘s blog – where she predicts the future of SEO in 2021 along with world-famous SEO Kevin Indig and SEO master Stephen Sumner.

With opinions by outstanding experts such as these, it's an article well worth the read.

Do you want to be featured on the SEO Mastery Summit weekly roundup?

We love having you here, so if you'd like to see more of us or want to participate by either writing a guest post or sharing a tool demo, here's what you need to do:

  1. If you are interested in writing a post for the SEO Mastery Summit Blog, please sign up here.
  2. Finally, if you have an SEO tool that you feel more people need to know about, sign up for a tool demo here.

We'll be back again next week with more exciting news from the SEO-world. In the meantime, we would love to hear from you.

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