SEO Mastery Summit Speaker Introduction – 12 September 2021

One more day until the SEO Mastery Summit – we hope you are as excited as we are!

We're announcing our final speakers today, and they are Alexey Matuzniy, Enrico Chiodino, Isaline Muelhauser, Stacy Caprio, and Stephanie Solheim.

Alexey Matuzniy on Python in the SEO World

Alexey is a highly qualified, professional senior-level SEO specialist with more than 7 years of experience in technical auditing, competitive content strategy and link acquisition.

He's worked extensively in developing strategies for highly competitive verticals in the US and emerging market (Ukraine and Russia).

His topic: “Python in the SEO World”

A Case Study on Content, Content, Content by Enrico Chiodino

Enrico Chiodino has been working in SEO for over 11 years in 3 countries and 4 languages. He is now a Director at Blue Array in London – and he manages an excellent team.

He's also one of the coaches of the Blue Array Academy SEO certification course, a lecturer at the Uni of Bologna, and a co-author of a book about User-first SEO (in Italian).

Enrico is passionate about a lot of stuff, amongst which the observation of human behaviour online.

His topic: “Content, Content, Content – The GoCardless Case Study.”

Isaline Muelhauser shares her Expertise on Content Localisation

Isaline runs her SEO and content strategy consulting service with, after having worked 4 years in one of the largest Swiss web agencies. She also hosts the famous French-speaking swiss communities Content Strategy Lausanne and SEOnerdSwitzerland.

In her talk, “Leverage Content to Target an Audience”, she shares her process to translate, optimise and localise content. The talk is suitable to anyone working with multilingual or international SEO challenges.

Building a Website on an Aged Domain by Stacy Caprio

Stacy Caprio is the founder of Her.CEO and creator of the Her.CEO Entrepreneur podcast, both a platform and community to help inspire entrepreneurs by giving them the tools and mindset they need to persevere and succeed.

The Her.CEO community started from Stacy's own experience buying, growing and selling websites, which enabled her to start working for herself, allowing for more freedom, flexibility and growth.

Her topic: “Skipping the Sandbox – Building a Website on an Aged Domain”

Stephanie Solheim shares her Journey on Empowering Women in Marketing

Stephanie is the owner/CEO of Toledo Web Designers & Digital Marketing and co-founder of The Solheim Company, an engineering and tech consulting company.

As a founder of the 22,000 member strong community of women, Women in Marketing, Stephanie is passionate about bringing education, value, opportunity, and connections to women all over the world. The Content Factory also named her as one of the “12 Powerful Women You Should Know”!

Her topic: “Women in Marketing – The Journey”

This is your last chance to go grab your free ticket at to learn from all these giants in the SEO industry!

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