SEO Mastery Summit Speaker Introduction – 9 September 2021

The SEO Mastery Summit is now so close we can almost taste it!

If you haven't signed up for your free ticket yet, get yours on to join us and tons of amazing speakers from 13-19 September for the very best of SEO.

Speaking of our excellent speakers, we'd love to introduce 5 more speakers to you, namely; Domenica D'Ottavio, Georgi Todorov, Tamara Sykes, Minuca Elena, and Koray Tuğberk Gübür.

Domenica D'Ottavio – The woman that invented sexy content

Sexy content?

Yes! Not only sexy content but content sexy enough to get journalists from major publications interested in your brand.

You don't want to miss the brand new digital PR manager for the current leading SEO agency, Rise at Seven, teaching us how to use your brand research for creating newsworthy content.

Her topic: “How to Earn Your Website's Best Links Through Content Marketing + Digital PR.”

Schooling us on linkable assets for your brand – Georgi Todorov

Georgi is the previous SEO Manager at Semrush, the Founder of, and the creator of the Actionable Link Building Course. Not only is he an excellent SEO, but he's also a traveler, avid reader, lifelong learner, and nature lover.

How to create the best linkable assets that attract quality backlinks? If this is your question, catch Georgi Todorov in action, where he'll answer this question and more.

Tamara Sykes – Adding humanity back into marketing

Tamara Sykes knows how to keep a human perspective in business, and she's dedicated to helping women create a business and life that they love.

She's also an entrepreneur that uses her digital know-how to teach SEO to brand owners so they can increase their website traffic without social media burnout.

Catch her talk: “Vulnerability & Storytelling – A Winning Content Strategy” to learn how vulnerability can be used for a positive experience in marketing.

The expert on Expert Roundups, Minuca Elena

Minuca Elena is a freelance writer who specializes in creating expert roundups – her roundup posts always provide quality content, bring huge traffic, and get quality backlinks.

Her summit topic: “How to Earn Backlinks Using Expert Roundups” is for anyone who's ever written a mediocre, unsuccessful, or even successful expert roundup – you're never done learning!

Koray Tuğberk Gübür – The man with famous case studies

If you love SEO like us, you might have come across one of Koray Tuğberk Gübür's famous case studies.

Koray is the founder and owner of the Holistic SEO & Digital and is known worldwide for sharing his SEO case studies, researches, and detailed A/B tests.

He'll be joining the SEO Mastery Summit to share about: “Progressive Web Applications for SEO: From 0 to Hero.”

Time is running out! Sign up for the SEO Mastery Summit today for your FREE ticket to see all these amazing SEOs in action at

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