SEO Mastery Summit Weekly Roundup – 13 August 2021

This week we had the opportunity to chat with Serge Shlykov about his excellent tool, AMZ Watcher, and we caught up with three more of our world-class speaker alumni, Charles Floate, Karl Kangur, and Crystal Ortiz.

Tool Review – AMZ Watcher

We were lucky enough to catch up with Serge Shlykov, the absolute mastermind that brought us a tool that we love to use all the time, AMZ Watcher.

Serge is a software engineer, affiliate marketer, and successful businessman that saw a need for a tool that helps you fix broken Amazon links, earn more with your content site, save time on research, and build your business for the long term.

Don't take our word for it though, have a listen to Serge's interview with Mads about AMZ Watcher and how it can increase your Amazon affiliate income.

Crystal Ortiz makes her case for using data in SEO Testing

Crystal Ortiz is a household name in SEO and is noted in Terakeet as a great SEO to follow on Twitter. (We agree!) She's also a freelance SEO consultant with more than six years of experience, an excellent SEO speaker, a mentor for the amazing Women in Tech SEO community, and Founder of the Fort Wayne Digital Marketing Group.

Crystal was recently featured in, where she shares her take on approaching SEO more scientifically. By testing your hypothesis, you eliminate all the guesswork from making SEO changes as you have data-driven results to back your game plan.

She certainly makes an excellent case for all SEO's struggling to have their recommendations implemented – it's well worth the read!

Karl Kangur uses his magic to help us steal some Featured Snippets

If you've heard of Karl Kangur, you'll know he's the mastermind Director of Marketing behind Smash Digital. He's an excellent digital marketer and regular contributor to many major publications, such as HuffPo and the Smash Digital blog.

His newest contribution to their blog is an excellent feature giving us some golden hacks on “stealing” featured snippets. AS SEO's we know how valuable featured snippets can be for your site's traffic.

Give this article a read to learn from one of the best in business and hack some growth for your site!

Charles Floate shares his link building tips from years of experience

Charles Floate is an SEO genius, his career starting at only 12 years of age. He's done everything and anything, including investing, internet marketing consulting, affiliate marketing, and blogging. As a true SEO entrepreneur, his experience is vast and his advice is golden.

We'd recommend giving him a follow on Twitter to see his excellent Twitter threads. We especially love this one – 15 Tips to Improve your Link Building – where he gives his best link-building tips from all his years of experience.

As we're approaching our next summit, we're getting more and more excited as the class of our speakers simply gets better and better. Stay tuned for all the action in the next month!

Do you want to be featured on the SEO Mastery Summit weekly roundup?

We love having you here, so if you'd like to see more of us or want to participate by either writing a guest post or sharing a tool demo, here's what you need to do:

  1. If you are interested in writing a post for the SEO Mastery Summit Blog, please sign up here.
  2. Finally, if you have an SEO tool that people need to know about, sign up for a tool demo here.

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